After attending the Ruskin Art school in Oxford and training with the great maker Alan Peters, David Savage founded his original workshop in 1984 in Bideford, North Devon. He established his name as a designer and started to explore the unique forms that became his trademark.
In 1995 David moved to Rowden Farm to found Rowden Workshops. This new start was in part to further promote the values and quality of craftsmanship associated with the Arts & Crafts movement. At Rowden, David earned two Bespoke Guild Marks and began to teach a handful of students, his approach to fine furniture.
Now, as Rowden Atelier, we enable students to create outstanding work and pursue their own vision as craftspeople. We have trained beginners with no experience and seasoned makers with a decade or more as professional furniture makers. Coming to Rowden is about upping your game, regardless of where you are starting.
We train you to be an exceptional woodworker, designing and making exceptional furniture. For many, there is a transformative capacity to a course at Rowden. For most there is a deep fulfilment found when working at the bench.
Our course takes students beyond designing and making beautiful furniture. We provide an education in artistic drawing, technical drawing, design, business and computer-aided design – all the composite parts of being a rounded cabinetmaker in the 21st century. We know this has to work in the real world, not just the bubble of a learning workshop.
We maintain our commitment to the values associated with the Arts & Crafts movement and help our students to express their capacity as designer/makers. We do this by teaching a finely honed curriculum that has brought students here from all over the world. Our courses provide a platform for students to go from novice woodworker to craftspeople, able to conceive and create furniture made to the highest possible standard.
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